Monday, November 3, 2014

Summer's Sol Giveaway & Jade Keybearer

Holy cripes - things are SO busy I might have to start posting a mid-week update!  This week, the Guardian of the Diadems has called for a Jade Keybearer to quest for the crowns of Radcon.

The most valiant and honorable shall be the ones to solve the puzzles and save the day (or convention, as this case may be :).

If you think that you have the guts and the skill to do it, then the Guardian of the Diadems invites you to put forth your bid to become the Jade Keybeaer at this link!

Also, I am super excited to announce that my friend Herman the Giant Ogre will be joining us at the Fairyblossom Festival next June!  Herman can be sometimes shy, but always loveable and he is happy to share stories about his life as an Ogre with children who ask.

Finally, to top off the Monday update, we have a wonderful giveaway this week from Susan Schroder Arts. The giveaway is for her first book, "Summer's Sol", which is #1 in a series of 4 fully illustrated, wheel of the seasons stories.

Use this Rafflecopter to enter to win!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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